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Here is a list of instrument accessories and other equipment that I would recommend for those of you who wish to learn to play the violin or viola.
The links on this page will open a new tab where you can purchase the item.
As I am based in Germany, you will mostly be redirected to website in Germany.
Unless otherwise stated, I have tried the products and recommend them based on my personal experience and preferences.
Nevertheless, there is a chance that certain products won't fit 100% to your body or expectations, because everyone has a different body and own preferences.
Some links in this section are affiliate links. If you click on these links there will be NO ADDITIONAL COSTS and I earn a small commission if you make a purchase.
I only recommend high-quality products and I don’t recommend them based on the small amount I earn when you make a purchase.

For the Violin
Rosin ​
• Pirastro "Evah Pirazzi Gold" SET
(with a gold-wound G-string)
• Pirastro "Evah Pirazzi Gold" SET
(with a silver-wound G-string)
(with a gold-wound E-string ) ​

For the Viola
Rosin ​
Set Option 1:
• C - Thomastik "Spirocore" (tungsten-wound)
• A - Pirastro "Passione" (Ball End)
Set Option 2:
• C - Thomastik "Spirocore" (tungsten-wound)
• A - Larsen (Ball End)

Further accessories for the instrument
I also recommend the following to my students if necessary:
Centered Chin Rest by Wittner
• for Violin:
Sizes — 4/4 3/4 1/2 to 1/4 1/8 to 1/16
• For Viola (standard size)
Fine Tuner
• Gewa Fine Tuner (fits a 4/4 size violin as well as a viola)
For people with a long neck who need more support between the chin and shoulder:
Consult with your violin or viola teacher before deciding on a purchase.

Music Stands
Foldable Music Stand
• K&M 100/65 Music Stand Set with Case
• Music Stand Case K&M 10012 (suitable for K&M 100/65 music stands)
Orchestra Music Stand
(bigger and more stable than a foldable music stand, perfect for home use)
Gadgets for Sheet Music
Bluetooth Page Turning Pedal
• PageFlip Butterfly
to turn pages via Bluetooth with your foot
• PageFlip Firefly
to turn pages and images via Bluetooth with your foot
XL Sheet Music Clips (handy if you have a thick music book or notebook)
Music Stand Light
• K&M 12249 Orchestra Light Eos
Music folder with transparent pockets that allow you to make notes:
• Agifty Sheet Music Folder (similar to the ones I own,
holds a lot of sheet music, but unfortunately not glare-free)
• Lutany Music Folder (glare-free)
Very strong magnets for playing outdoors
Music Stand Extender
• Magic Music Board from Berolina Manufactur:
to place 4 to 6 A4 papers on the music stand in a stable way and to organize the sheet music
Sizes — for 4 A4 sheets or for 6 A4 sheets
Printable Staff Paper/Blank Sheet Music
→ Visit my Online Shop for Printable Staff Paper/Blank Sheet Music
(blank sheet music and with G, C and F clefs in various sizes & in both portrait and landscape formats)
For Practicing and Playing
This amazing pen holder that everyone should have
Bow Corrector
Learning aid for straight bow strokes - at a 90° angle to the string - for ambitious amateurs and professionals alike
• from Amazon (for violin)
Hotel Mute for practicing quietly
• From Artino (for Violin and Viola)
Rubber Mute for orchestra
• Gewa Tourte (for Violin and Viola)

For On-The-Go
These instrument cases might not have the sturdiest carrying straps, but for a small woman who travels a lot, doesn't drive a car, and really just needs an instrument case that's as light as possible and doesn't weigh on her shoulders, the Gewa Pure series are just great!
Gewa Pure Triangular Violin Case
For Violin:
The 1/2 size is not available for an unknown reason, hence this other model with the same color and similar appearance, weight and price, but which I haven't seen or tried myself:
Gewa Aspirant Triangular Violin Case
• For 1/2 size Violin
USB Rechargeable Hand Warmer (very handy when playing inside cold churches or when traveling in winter)

Instrument Care and Maintenance
Cleaning or Polishing Cloth for the Instrument:
• from Pacato (with with printed music and words "Music is your life")
• from Thomann (with the words "Music is our passion")
• from Bellacura (with violin imprint)
Peg Wax
• from Pirastro (for particularly slippery pegs)
String Cleaner
*If the pegs are too tight, scribble the part of the peg that touches the peg box with a pencil or chalk. If the problem persists, take your instrument to your violin maker.
*As for the varnish of your instrument, please contact the luthier or instrument manufacturer directly, as different varnishes are used for each instrument.
*Make sure NEVER to drip the string cleaner or alcohol directly onto the instrument!
Tools to Prevent Dryness of the Air
String instruments are made of wood and are therefore sensitive to extreme temperatures and dry air. That is why it is very important to make sure that the instrument is kept in a proper environment and temperature.
In winter, as the heating is usually on, the air tends to become very dry, which may cause the glue that holds the wooden parts of the instrument together to break down.
Therefore, it is important not to store the device in the following places:
In winter: outdoors, next to a heater, by an open window or door, in the trunk of a car, on the floor of an underfloor heating system, or in a very cold or heated place
In summer: in the sun, in the trunk of a car, or in a very hot place
Even if you avoid this, the air may still be too dry.
Therefore, checking the hygrometer in the instrument case frequently and using a humidifier for the instrument and/or the case and the room if necessary is important.
For the Room
Thermometer and/or Hygrometer

Electronic Equipment
Audio Interface with Microphone
Mobile Recording Device:​

For Self-Care
It's not easy to always remember, but stretching before, between and/or after hours of practice is crucial to maintaining a relaxed body free of tension. Even if you play with a relaxed posture, repeating the same movements for many hours can cause tension. Stretching can help prevent injuries caused by poor posture as well.
For Stretching
To stretch, warm up, cool down and to do stretching exercises to prevent tension or injury
To stretch back muscles
To stretch neck muscles by oneself
To stretch and practice while sitting on it, in order to learn to be more aware (or aware at all) of the lower body while playing.
Recommended by my Alexander Technique teacher.
For Relieving Tension
Recommended by my physiotherapist.
Note: the required size depends on the trigger point.
Also great for trigger point self-massages

My E-Piano Setup
Keyboard Bench
Keyboard Stand
Sustain Pedal
Piano Keyboard Cover (dust protection)
Apps and Softwares
Tuner/metronome app
SoundCorset (FREE) — Android iOS
I love this app; it takes up very little memory and you can use the metronome and the tuner simultaneously. The tuner is very accurate as it gives you the actual cent values! The only thing missing is a visualisation of the metronome so you can use it when muted. You can use a torch or a vibration option, but they are not so practical in my opinion.
Tempo and pitch changer
Music Speed Changer App (FREE)
Android iOS Online web version
(This is a great way to practice along a sound track with a reduced tempo or changed pitch. You can also download the changed audios.)
Digital Sheet Music Viewer and Editor App
Piascore (FREE, has premium features) — iOS
Most of the app's features are available in the free version; however, you need the premium version if you want to export edited PDF files.
The app works wonderfully with page-turn pedals, in my case the PageFlip Firefly.
Music Notation Software
• Musescore (FREE) — Most people say they can't believe this amazing and powerful software is free (I for sure still can't)
• Sibelius — There is a free simplified version. The Ultimate version has a 30-day free trial period and can then be upgraded on a subscription basis. All versions offer a desktop and a mobile version.
• Finale — Free 30-day trial, then one-time purchase
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